Get started


CSS117 is a very smart and flexible grid based on the CSS Grid Layout Module.

  • No need to wrap individual rows
  • No need to tag last columns with classes
  • Highly customizable through variables
<div class="cols">
<div class="col col--up-3 col--1000-6">...</div>
<div class="col col--up-3 col--1000-6">...</div>
<div class="col col--up-6 col--1000-hidden col--500-visible">...</div>
<div class="col col--up-12 col--1000-4">...</div>
<div class="col col--up-6 col--1000-8">...</div>
<div class="col col--up-6 col--1000-12">...</div>
col--up-3 col--1000-6 col--500-12
col--up-3 col--1000-6 col--500-12
col--up-12 col--1000-4 col--500-12
col--up-6 col--1000-8 col--500-12
col--up-6 col--1000-12 col--500-12

Flexbox and float fallbacks

Because Internet Explorer from 10 to 15 uses the old specification of the module (2011), CSS117 Grid Layout doesn’t use the -ms- prefix, particulary since auto-placement is not possible (-ms-grid-column: auto;doesn’t work).

There’s a flexbox fallback for Internet Explorer from 11 to 15 and a float: left one for earlier version (IE10-) (which works like a charm). Check the fallback variables for more details.


01. Download the package


npm i css117 --save-dev
// And in your main SASS file
@import '~css117';


npm i css117 --save-dev
// And in your main SASS file
@import './node_modules/css117/css117.scss';


Download from the Github repo ( and import css117 scss in your main SASS file.

02. Copy and paste variables

  • Copy and paste variables from css117.scss to your variables file.
  • Remove the !default flags at $css117-breakpoints, $css117-space& $css117-variables

03. Set up your html

Set up your html as followed :

<div class="cols">
  <div class="col col--up-4 col--1000-6 col--500-12"> ... </div>
  <div class="col col--up-4 col--1000-6"> ... </div>
  <div class="col col--up-4 col--1000-12"> ... </div>
  <div class="col col--up-6 col--500-6"> ... </div>
  <div class="col col--up-3 col--500-6"> ... </div>
  <div class="col col--up-2 col--1000-4"> ... </div>
  <div class="col col--up-2 col--1000-4"> ... </div>
  <div class="col col--up-2 col--1000-4"> ... </div>

Customize variables

Below are the variables from the $css117-variables SASS map :

DRY variables Default Type Description
$css117-space 30px pixels Helper to define consistent spacing (gutters…)
$css117-col col string Define the class name of the grid items
$css117-medias img,... list A list for Responsive media HTML tag
Breakpoints value Default Type Description
$css117-bkpts 800, 500 list Define the different breakpoints of the grid more
Classes name Default Type Description
grid-class-name cols string Define the grid class name
col-class-name $css117-col string Define columns class name
Breakpoints Default Type Description
largest-breakpoint col--up string Define the largest column class name
full-width-on-small false boolean Choose true to have a unique fullwidth on the small breakpoint
Grid max-width Default Type Description
max-width 1200px px or % Define the max-width of the grid
Columns settings Default Type Description
nb-of-columns 12 integer Define the number of columns
columns-start-from 1 integer Because we usually don’t have a col--up-1 column, you can set from which column number to start. It’s a good way to reduce file size.
choose-columns false boolean Choose only the column number you need. Good for production (reduce size)
which-columns (4,6,8,12) list List the number you need when choose-columns is true
Spacing Default Type Description
grid-margin-top 0 pixels Define the margin top of the grid
grid-margin-bottom 0 pixels Define the margin bottom of the grid
grid-margin-left 30px pixels Define the margin left of the grid
grid-margin-right 30px pixels Define the margin right of the grid
grid-padding-top 30px pixels Define the padding top of the grid
grid-padding-bottom 30px pixels Define the padding bottom of the grid
grid-padding-left 30px pixels Define the padding left of the grid
grid-padding-right 30px pixels Define the padding right of the grid
col-margin-top 30px pixels Define the margin top of columns
col-margin-bottom 30px pixels Define the margin bottom of columns
gutter-width 30px pixels Define the width of gutters
gutter-height 30px pixels Define the height of gutters
col-padding-top 30px pixels Define the padding top of the col
col-padding-bottom 30px pixels Define the padding bottom of the col
col-padding-left 30px pixels Define the padding left of the col
col-padding-right 30px pixels Define the padding right of the col
Add a wrapper ? Default Type Description
wrapper true boolean Add a full width wrapp around some rows.
Check the demo
wrapper-class-name 30px pixels Define the class name of the wrapper
wrapper-margin-top 30px pixels Define the margin top of the wrapper
wrapper-margin-bottom 30px pixels Define the margin bottom of the wrapper
wrapper-padding-top 60px pixels Define the padding top of the wrapper
wrapper-padding-bottom 60px pixels Define the padding bottom of the wrapper
Browser Support Default Type Description
grid-feature true boolean Use the grid module layout
flexbox-fallback true boolean Add a flexbox for browser that don’t support Grid
float-fallback true boolean Add a float:left for browser that don’t support Grid or flex
Alignement of the grid Default Type Description
centered false boolean Choose true to center the grid on the page
Visibility Classes Default Type Description
visibility-class true boolean Choose true if you need visibility classes
Production mode Default Type Description
dev false boolean If set to true, it adds a pink background and blue sides borders to each columns. Useful when developing
debug false boolean If set to true, it send debugging informations to the ‘Terminal’

Fullwidth on small breakpoints

To set a unique fullwidth on the smallest breakpoint.
Therefore you don’t need the smallest breakpoint class on your markup :

<div class="cols">
  <div class="col col--up-4 col--1000-6">...</div>
  <div class="col col--up-4 col--1000-6">...</div>
  <div class="col col--up-4 col--1000-12">...</div>

Visibility classes

Creates a -hidden and -visible classes :

  • col--up-hidden
  • col--1000-visible
<div class="cols">
  <div class="col col--up-12 col--1000-hidden"> ... </div>
  <div class="col col--up-hidden col--1000-visible col--1000-6">...</div>
  <div class="col col--up-12 col--1000-6">...</div>

Previous versions

v1.3 Flexbox Version September 2017
v1.2 Older version (inline-block, IE8-) June 2017